Welcome to Raffles World Academy | Dubai, U.A.E

Raffles World Academy

Why we do, what we do

HEAR From the Principal

Welcome to the Raffles World Academy (RWA) website. I hope that what you find here gives you a flavour of life in our vibrant school community, as well as the information about us that you are seeking. 

RWA is an independent, co-educational KG – G12 (pre-school – Year 13) IB World School. We offer the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Programme (IB PYP), up to G5 (Year 6), International Baccalaureate Middle Years Programme (IB MYP) in G6 -10 (Years 7 -11) and the IB Diploma and Courses in G11 -12 (Years 12 -13). We offer a hybrid curriculum taking the best from the IB Examinations.

We provide a personalised education, acknowledging that every student is different, as a person and as a learner. We have a dedicated Learning Support team that can meet the needs of students with mild – moderate learning difficulties and also those who face the challenges of being gifted and talented. We seek to challenge students whatever their abilities to reach their full potential. Our aim is to develop young people who exemplify the attributes of the IB Learner Profile which is central to the ethos of our school.


Principal's Message

Welcome to Raffles INTERNATIONAL Academy


K-12 co-educational school teaching the IB. We are a proud member of the Innoventures Education family.

Our Guiding Statements are critical to understanding what we are about and why we do things the way we do. Take a good look at our Vision, Mission, Philosophy and Core Values.

When we talk about ‘world class’ education, our parent community, students and teachers have ‘unpacked’ what this means in terms of measurable outcomes and characteristics that ensure that the Raffles experience meets the highest international standards.

When we say that we ‘empower students’, we mean that students have a real voice that drives school improvement and makes a difference to their development as rounded and broadly-based global citizens, who understand the values and traditions of their own cultures.

Student development is at the centre of all school decisions and we have a thriving partnership with our parent community which is recognised as a reservoir of professional expertise and commitment. Our motto is: ‘Towards Excellence’ – and the accent is on moving forwards through achievement and pushing the envelope of what may yet be achieved. 

Our aim is to develop young people who exemplify the attributes of the IB Learner Profile which is central to the ethos of our school.


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Our campus & Facilities

Raffles World Academy (RWA) boasts many modern facilities to enhance academic learning and student well-being. The campus includes state-of-the-art classrooms with the latest instructional technologies, such as LCD projectors and visualizers. The school's impressive sports and recreational facilities feature a 500-seat auditorium, soccer field, swimming pools, a sports hall, and courts for basketball and badminton.

RWA also houses a well-resourced library, fully equipped science and computer laboratories, art rooms, a dance studio, and music rooms. For spiritual needs, the school provides prayer rooms with ablution facilities. The dining facilities offer various healthy meal options catering to the diverse tastes of international students. 

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