If you’re looking for an old classmate or hoping that an old classmate can find you, there is no better place to start. The RWA Alumni page will almost entirely be the result of what you, our alumni, put into it. It may look a little sparse right now but with your input, that will almost certainly change.
We would love you to stay connected with your high school and this is our way of giving you (and us) the opportunity to do just that. We hope that our alumni page will tell your stories as you remember them and create a strong network that will inspire all future graduates of Raffles World Academy.

Class of 2021 - Top Students |
- Rohan Goyal
Points: 44
University: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA)
- Dihia Djourdikh
Points: 42
University: Mohammad Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UAE)
- Siddharth Sethia
Points: 42
University: University of Edinburgh (UK)
- Shahzara Malik
Points: 42
University: Mohammad Bin Rashid University of Medicine and Health Sciences (UAE)
- Zayed Amin
Points: 41
University: University of British Columbia (Canada)
- David Jonathan Straehl
Points: 41
University: University of British Columbia (Canada)
- Fatima Siddiqui
Points: 41
University: University of Newcastle (UK)
Class of 2020 - Top Students |
- Aya Abu Ahmad
Points: 43
University: Mohammad Bin Rashid University, UAE
- Jana El Khatib
Points: 42
University: King’s College London, UK
- Dana Abu Alfailat
Points: 41
University: University of Toronto, Canada
- Sania Rahman
Points: 41
University: King’s College London, UK
- Syed Zamir Salman
Points: 41
University: King’s College London, UK
- Dina Abu Alfailat
Points: 40
University: University of Toronto, Canada
- Karim Bhanji
Points: 40
University: King’s College London, UK
- Saher Kapadia
Points: 40
University: Durham University, UK
- Karim Zakirov
Points: 40
University: University of Toronto, Canada
Class of 2019 - Top Students |
- Parmis Mehdiyar
Points: 42
University: University of Toronto, Canada
- Aashna Vasudeva
Points: 41
University: University of Toronto, Canada
- Faisal Qureshi
Points: 40
University: UC Berkeley, USA
- Afaf Zafirah
Points: 40
University: McGill University, Canada
- Bruna Cardoso
Points: 39
University: University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Michał Dudziński
Points: 39
University: Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
- Vivan Mishra
Points: 39
University: University of British Colombia, Canada
- Emma Thomas
Points: 39
University: University of Bristol, UK
Class of 2018 - Top Students |
- Teona Milunovic
Points: 40
University: Boston Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Science, USA
- Mahima Bharadwaj
Points: 40
University: St George's University, Grenada
- Lina Gustmann
Points: 39
University: St Andrew's University, Scotland
- Manasa Bharadwaj
Points: 38
University: University of Surrey, England
- Alia Khoori
Points: 38
University: Kings College, London

Class of 2017 - Top Students |
- Janan Mostajabi
Points: 43
University: University of California, Berkeley, Film and Psychology
- Sarah Alkabbani
Points: 42
University: Mohammed Bin Rashid University of Medication and Health Sciences, Dubai, Medicine
- Flavio Cannizzo
University: University of Bristol, UK, Economics
- Zuhdi Alkhatib
University: Royal College of Surgeons, Ireland, Medicine
- Zaeem Moti
University: University of Birmingham, UK, Medicine
- Bruna Bitar
University: University of Bristol, UK, Law

Class of 2016 - Top Students |
- Isabelle Hartung
Points: 39
University: University of Glasgow, UK, Psychology International Politics
- Angus James Dickeson
Points: 39
University: University of Sydney, Australia, Bachelor of Commerce
- Ariyana Chowdhruy
Points: 39
University: University of California, USA, Bachelor of Political Science
- Iyat Khalid
Points: 39
University: York University, Canada, Bachelor of Life Sciences

Class of 2015 - Top Student |
- Hazem Nabil Hassan
Points: 40
University: Currently at the German University of Cairo, Egypt studying Computer Science.
Class of 2014 - Top Student |
- Rohan Dickeson
Points: 41
University: Currently at the University of Sydney studying Bachelor of Commerce/Law