Distance Learning | Learning | Raffles World Academy | Dubai, U.A.E

Distance Learning

Raffles World Academy DISTANCE LEARNING


In the event of distance learning being announced RWA has a comprehensive and rigorous virtual learning programme designed to maintain educational standards and deliver, with the support of the latest technology, a quality learning experience. We ask for students, parents, and teachers to demonstrate adaptability, flexibility, and fortitude in these instances

Primary school

We are aware our younger students are still developing their independence, so the teacher-parent partnership will be vital for students to engage in distance learning tasks and access online resources.

The designed learning tasks and activities will provide direction and support to families with the understanding that task completion depends on each individual family’s circumstances. We recognise that parents may have more than one child to guide, therefore we will provide as much support as required from our side.


Secondary students

Secondary students are more independent learners, and we very much encourage them to be so when they are in school. However, we also know they need the support, guidance, and encouragement to learn at their best. To this end, our distance learning programme will be very interactive – with significant levels of contact from teachers on a daily basis.


Working in Partnership

To really make distance learning work for the best learning experience and outcomes for students, we all – the school, parents and students have a key role to play

The following guidelines and expectations have been developed to make our virtual learning experience work as successfully as possible.


The school’s commitment

  • Teachers will create learning experiences for students to work at their own pace and take time to absorb content. We will curate and upload resources in advance and use appropriate apps to set work for students
  • Teachers will give explicit instructions for consistency and set clear out clear expectations and deadline for completion of tasks
  • The school will provide extra support where needed. Teachers will use online collaboration tools to support individual/groups of students who may require extra help with certain concepts/tasks
  • Teachers will mark student work and provide feedback at the earliest opportunity
  • The school leadership team and teachers will be online during school hours to provide support, answer questions, or clarify confusion via online systems
  • The school will seek student and parent feedback about quality of the learning experience – the amount of work, the pace of work and most of all, how the student and family are feeling through this experience
Expectation of Students (with the support of parents and teachers)
  • Be present and on time for online distance learning sessions as directed by school
  • Actively complete all tasks as assigned by teachers and submit work in expected timescales
  • Adhere to the school e-Safety/use of technology /internet/social media policies.
  • ontact teachers/the school if work is too much/difficult/easy
  • To not record online interactions or the video lessons, or share recorded lessons publicly
  • Report any misuse of online platform by other students to your subject teacher

Parent support

It would be incredibly helpful if parents can:
  • Provide an environment conducive to learning - access to technology, safe and quiet space during daytime
  • Engage in conversations with your child on posted materials, assignments
  • Monitor time spent engaging in online and offline distance learning
  • Support emotional balance by providing room and time for reflection, physical activity, conversation, and play
  • Support your child with managing the deadlines effectively
  • Provide feedback on the quality of the learning experience for their son/daughter


Technology platforms

The teachers will use appropriate platforms for each year/grade level groups for effective distance learning. Some of the key platforms being used are:

Primary School

a. Toddle– enables teachers to share content, assignments, reports and manage communication with students, colleagues, and parents as well as provide feedback/ marking on work uploaded by students

b. Microsoft Office 365 Teams – to facilitate online (both synchronous and asynchronous) discussions, meetings and sharing of resources

c. Padlet– Student engagement platform where teacher can create questions for students to answer by collaboratively contributing to the Padlet page

d. Mathletics – online mathematics platform with various resources and assignments personalized to support students’ learning

e. Accelerated Reader – online literacy platform including reading books and related comprehension questions to support students’ learning 


a. Padlet – enables teachers to share content, distribute quizzes, assignments, track progress, and provide feedback to students in real time.

b. Microsoft Office 365 Teams – to facilitate online (both synchronous and asynchronous) discussions, meetings and sharing of resources

c. CENTURY Tech – Intelligent learning app that uses learning science, artificial intelligence and neuroscience, to create constantly adapting pathways for students and powerful assessment data for teachers

d. Managebac – The leading planning, assessment and reporting platform for the IB continuum

e. Subject online resources like Kognity, iMaths, InThinking will help students to access the subject content



Academic issues – Any academic issues should be firstly raised to the homeroom teacher/subject teacher. Should you require any further assistance, then you may contact the relevant HOD or alternatively:


Dr. Tabassum – armeenat@rwadubai.com 

Mr Allmark –daniela@rwadubai.com 

Mrs. Maccallum – yolandam@rwadubai.com 


Ms Pam Parasram – pamp@rwadubai.com

Mr Amer Qureshi – amerq@rwadubai.com

IT/Technical issues – Please contact rwastudentservices@rwadubai.com  for any issues facing with the technical aspects during the distance learning period. 

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